Data Guard maintains these standby databases as transactionally consistent copies of the production database. These standby databases can be located at remote disaster recovery sites thousands of miles away from the production data center, or they may be located in the same city, same campus, or even in the same building. If the production database becomes unavailable because of a planned or an unplanned outage, Data Guard can switch any standby database to the production role, thus minimizing the downtime associated with the outage, and preventing any data loss.
Available as a feature of the Enterprise Edition of the Oracle Database, Data Guard can be used in combination with other Oracle High Availability (HA) solutions such as Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Flashback and Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN), to provide a very high level of data protection and data availability that is unprecedented in the industry..
Data Guard Configurations
A Data Guard configuration consists of one production (formally known as primary) database and up to nine/9 standby databases. The databases in a Data Guard configuration are connected by Oracle Net and may be dispersed geographically. There are no restrictions on where the databases are located, provided that they can communicate with each other. However, for disaster recovery, it is recommended that the standby databases be hosted at sites that are geographically separated from the primary site.
· Primary Database
A Data Guard configuration contains one production database, also referred to as the primary database, that functions in the primary role. This is the database that is accessed by most of your applications. The primary database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application Clusters database.
· Standby Database
A standby database is a transactionally consistent copy of the primary database. Using a backup copy of the primary database, you can create up to nine standby databases and incorporate them in a Data Guard configuration. Once created, Data Guard automatically maintains each standby database by transmitting redo data from the primary database and then applying the redo to the standby database. Similar to a primary database, a standby database can be either a single-instance Oracle database or an Oracle Real Application Clusters database.
Standby Database Types
Following are the standby database types:
· Physical Standby Database- A physical standby database provides a physically identical copy of the primary database, with on-disk database structures that are identical to the primary database on a block-for-block basis. The database schemas, including indexes, are the same. The Redo Apply technology applies redo data on the physical standby database using standard Oracle media recovery techniques.
· Active Data GuardAn Active Data Guard standby database is an exact copy of the primary that is open read-only while it continuously applies changes transmitted by the primary database. An active standby can offload ad-hoc queries, reporting, and fast incremental backups from the primary database, improving performance and scalability while preventing data loss or downtime due to data corruptions, database and site failures, human error, or natural disaster.
· Snapshot Standby
A snapshot standby database is a fully updateable standby database created by converting a physical standby database into a snapshot standby database. A snapshot standby database receives and archives, but does not apply, redo data from a primary database. The redo data received from the primary database is applied once a snapshot standby database is converted back into a physical standby database, after discarding all local updates to the snapshot standby database.
· Logical standby database
A logical standby database contains the same logical information as the production database, although the physical organization and structure of the data can be different. The SQL apply technology keeps the logical standby database synchronized with the primary database by transforming the data in the redo logs received from the primary database into SQL statements and then executing the SQL statements on the standby database. A logical standby database can be used for other business purposes in addition to disaster recovery requirements. This makes it possible for the logical standby database to be accessed for queries and reporting purposes at the same time the SQL is being applied to it. Thus, a logical standby database can be used concurrently for data protection and reporting and database upgrades.
Data Guard provides two methods to apply this redo data to the standby database and keep it transactionally consistent with the primary, and these methods correspond to the two types of standby databases supported by Data Guard. Redo Apply, used for Physical Standby databases SQL Apply, used for Physical Standby databases
Data Guard Protection Modes
Data Guard provides three modes of data protection to balance cost, availability, performance, and data protection. These modes define the rules that govern the behavior of the Data Guard configuration, and can be set easily using any of the available management interfaces, e.g. using the following simple SQL statement on the primary database:
To determine the appropriate data protection mode, enterprises need to weigh their business requirements for data protection against user demands for system response time. The following table outlines the suitability of each mode from a risk of data loss perspective.
· Maximum Protection—This mode offers the highest level of data protection. Data is synchronously transmitted to the standby database from the primary database and transactions are not committed on the primary database unless the redo data is available on at least one standby database configured in this mode. If the last standby database configured in this mode becomes unavailable, processing stops on the primary database. This mode ensures no-data-loss.
· Maximum Availability—This mode is similar to the maximum protection mode, including zero data loss. However, if a standby database becomes unavailable (for example, because of network connectivity problems), processing continues on the primary database. When the fault is corrected, the standby database is automatically resynchronized with the primary database.
· Maximum Performance—This mode offers slightly less data protection on the primary database, but higher performance than maximum availability mode. In this mode, as the primary database processes transactions, redo data is asynchronously shipped to the standby database. The commit operation of the primary database does not wait for the standby database to acknowledge receipt of redo data before completing write operations on the primary database. If any standby destination becomes unavailable, processing continues on the primary database and there is little effect on primary database performance
Data Guard Services
The following sections explain how Data Guard manages the transmission of redo data, the application of redo data, and changes to the database roles:
Log Transport Services—Control the automated transfer of redo data from the production database to one or more archival destinations.
Log Apply Services—Apply redo data on the standby database to maintain transactional synchronization with the primary database. Redo data can be applied either from archived redo log files, or, if real-time apply is enabled, directly from the standby redo log files as they are being filled, without requiring the redo data to be archived first at the standby database.
Data Guard provides two methods to apply this redo data to the standby database and keep it transactionally consistent with the primary, and these methods correspond to the two types of standby databases supported by Data Guard.
Redo Apply, used for Physical Standby databases
SQL Apply, used for Physical Standby databases
Role Management Services
Change the role of a database from a standby database to a primary database, or from a primary database to a standby database using either a switchover or a failover operation.
A database can operate in one of the two mutually exclusive roles: primary or standby database.
· Failover During a failover, one of the standby databases takes the new primary database role, when an unplanned failure occurs on the primary database. This enables recovery time objectives to be achieved by quickly promoting the standby to the primary role instead incurring downtime while the events that impact the primary are diagnosed and resolved.
· Switchover A switchover is used to reduce primary database downtime during planned outages, such as operating system or hardware upgrades, or rolling upgrades of the Oracle database software and patch sets. A switchover operation requires all user sessions to be disconnected from the primary database. Following that, the primary database is transitioned to the standby role, after which the standby database is transitioned to the primary role.For example – the following single Data Guard Broker CLI (DGMGRL) command initiates and completes the switchover to the standby database “Chicago”:
Once initiated, Data Guard automates the actual role transition processes. No data is lost in the process.
· Fast-Start Failure
Fast-Start Failover Fast-Start Failover allows Data Guard to automatically fail over to a previously chosen, standby database without requiring any manual steps to invoke the failover. Further, upon return of the failed primary, it is automatically reinstated into the configuration as a standby of the new primary database. Fast-Start Failover can be used only in a Data Guard Broker configuration and can be configured only through DGMGRL or Enterprise Manager.
A manual failover operation ensures zero data loss if Data Guard was being run in the Maximum Protection or Maximum Availability and the target standby database was synchronized at the time of the failover.
Primary and standby database can continue to alternate roles. The primary database can switch the role to a standby database; and one of the standby databases can switch roles to become the primary.
The main difference between physical and logical standby databases is the manner in which log apply services apply the archived redo data:
For physical standby databases, Data Guard uses Redo Apply technology, which applies redo data on the standby database using standard recovery techniques of an Oracle database, as shown in Figure.
For logical standby databases, Data Guard uses SQL Apply technology, which first transforms the received redo data into SQL statements and then executes the generated SQL statements on the logical standby database.
Data Guard Interfaces
Oracle provides three ways to manage a Data Guard environment:
1. SQL*Plus and SQL Statements
Using SQL*Plus and SQL commands to manage Data Guard environment. The following SQL statement initiates a switchover operation:
SQL> alter database commit to switchover to physical standby;
2. Data Guard Broker GUI Interface (Data Guard Manager)
Data Guard Manger is a GUI version of Data Guard broker interface that allows you to automate many of the tasks involved in configuring and monitoring a Data Guard environment.
3. Data Guard Broker Command-Line Interface (CLI)
It is an alternative interface to using the Data Guard Manger. It is useful if you want to use the broker from batch programs or scripts. You can perform most of the activities required to manage and monitor the Data Guard environment using the CLI.
The Oracle Data Guard broker is a distributed management framework that automates and centralizes the creation, maintenance, and monitoring of Data Guard configurations.
You can perform all management operations locally or remotely through the broker’s easy-to-use interfaces: the Data Guard web pages of Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is the broker’s graphical user interface (GUI), and the Data Guard command-line interface (CLI) called DGMGRL.
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