Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Fixing ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size
ORA-19815: WARNING: string of string bytes is string%% used, and has string remaining bytes available.
Cause: DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST is running out of disk space.
Action: One of the following:
1. Add disk space and increase DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE.
2. Backup files to tertiary device using RMAN.
3. Consider changing RMAN retention policy.
4. Consider changing RMAN archivelog deletion policy.
5. Delete files from recovery area using RMAN.
[root@redhat ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@redhat ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jun 8 17:59:49 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> connect /as sysdba
SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 2G
SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=10G scope=both;
System altered.
SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 10G
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1523306496 bytes
Fixed Size 1300072 bytes
Variable Size 754977176 bytes
Database Buffers 754974720 bytes
Redo Buffers 12054528 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 10G
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Coloning Oracle Database
When a tablespace is put into advancement mode, Oracle will address absolute blocks to accommodate rather than the accepted change vectors. For this reason, do not accomplish a hot advancement during periods of abundant database action - it could advance to a lot of annal logs actuality created.
This action will put all tablespaces into advancement approach at the aforementioned time. If the antecedent database is absolutely ample and you anticipate that it ability booty a continued time to copy, accede artful the tablespaces one at a time, or in groups.
While the advancement is in progress, it will not be accessible to booty the tablespaces offline commonly or shut bottomward the instance
1. Make a note of the current archive log change number
Select max(first_change#) SCN from v$archived_log ;
2. Prepare the begin/end backup scripts
SET lines 999
SET pages 999
SET verify off
SET feedback off
SET heading off
spool e:\oracle\beginbackup.sql
SELECT 'alter tablespace ' tablespace_name ' begin backup;' tsbb
FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE contents != 'TEMPORARY'
ORDER BY tablespace_name
spool off
spool e:\oracle\endbackup.sql
SELECT 'alter tablespace ' tablespace_name ' end backup;' desc
FROM dba_tablespaces WHERE contents != 'TEMPORARY'
ORDER BY tablespace_name;
spool off
3. Put the source database into backup mode using beginbackup.sql file. This will put all of the databases tablespaces into backup mode.
SQL> @beginbackup.sql
4. Copy the files to the new location copy, scp or ftp the files from the source database/machine to the target.
5. Take the source database out of backup modeOnce the file copy has been completed, take the source database out of backup mode.
SQL> @endbackup.sql
6. Copy archive logs
It is only necessary to copy archive logs created during the time the source database was in backup mode. Begin by archiving the current redo:
Then, identify which archive log files are required. When run, the following query will ask for a change number. This is the number noted in
select name from v$archived_logwhere first_change# >= &change_noorder by name
7. Produce a pfile for the new database
This step assumes that you are using a spfile. If you are not, just copy the existing pfile.
create pfile='init
8. Create the clone controlfile
To do this, connect to the source database and request a dump of the current control file.
alter database backup controlfile to trace as '/home/oracle/createdb
9. Add a new entry to oratab and source the environment (Only Linux)
Edit the /etc/oratab (or /opt/oracle/oratab) and add an entry for the new database.Source the new environment with '. oraenv' and verify that it has worked by issuing the following
10. Create the a password file
orapwd file=${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/orapw${ORACLE_SID} password=
11. Create the new control file(s)
Ok, now for the exciting bit! It is time to create the new controlfiles and open the database:
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @/home/oracle/createdb.sql
If all goes to plan you will see the instance start and then the message 'Control file created'.
12. Recover and open the database
The archive logs that were identified and copied in step 6 must now be applied to the database. Issue the following command from sqlplus: recover database using backup controlfile until cancel
When prompted to 'Specify log' enter 'auto'. Oracle will then apply all the available logs, and then error with ORA-00308. This is normal, it simply means that all available logs have been applied. Open the database with reset logs:
alter database open resetlogs;
13. Create temp files
create the temp files. Make sure the paths to the file(s) are correct.
14. Perform a few checks
Check that the database has opened with: The status should be 'OPEN'
select status from v$instance;
Make sure that the datafiles are all ok:
select distinct status from v$datafile;
It should return only ONLINE and SYSTEM. Take a quick look at the alert log too.
15. Set the databases global
alter database rename global_name to
16. Create a spfile
create spfile from pfile;
17. Change the database ID
If RMAN is going to be used to back-up the database, the database ID must be changed. If RMAN isn't going to be used, there is no harm in changing the ID anyway
shutdown immediate
startup mount
From comand prompt type: nid target=/
NID will ask if you want to change the ID. Respond with 'Y'. Once it has finished, start the database up again in sqlplus:
shutdown immediate
startup mount
alter database open resetlogs
18. Configure TNS Add entries for new database in the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as necessary.
RMAN Backup & Recovery
The RMAN ambiance consists of the utilities and databases that comedy a role in abetment up your data. At a minimum, the ambiance for RMAN charge accommodate the following:
The ambition database to be backed up
The RMAN client, which interprets advancement and accretion commands, directs server sessions to assassinate those commands, and annal your advancement and accretion action in the ambition database ascendancy file.
Logical Backup : backup utility that performs backups on the logical components of the database. A logical backup consists of backing up the database at the tablespace level or backing up other logical database components such as a table.
Physical Backup: Backing up the database files such as the datafiles, control files, and redo log file
RMAN Repository and Control Files
The RMAN utility uses two methods of storing information about the target databases that are backed up. Oracle calls the collection of metadata about the target databases the RMAN repository There are two methods of storing data in the RMAN repository.
Recovery Catalog
The first method is by accessing an RMAN catalog of information about backups. The second method is by accessing the necessary information about backups in the target database’s control files. The init.ora or spfile.ora parameter CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME determines how long information that can be used by RMAN is kept in the control file. The default value for this parameter is 7 days and can be as many as 365 days.
The recovery catalog is designed to be a central storage place for multiple databases’ RMAN information. This centralizes the location of the RMAN information instead of having this information dispersed in each target database’s control file. Here is a list of the components contained in a recovery catalog:
Backup and recovery information that is logged for long-term use from the target databases
RMAN scripts that can be stored and reused
Backup information about datafiles and archive logs
Information about the physical makeup, or schema, of the target database
RMAN (Configuration ) Using Recovery Catalog
Creating user for RMAN, grant required resources/privileges and register database
Note: here i am not utilizing defalt rman backup location (db_recovery_dest), i will create new directory named "rman" for holding all rman backups.
Datebase : Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g
1. Login as root user, create directory and permit to rman user for reading/writing backups on directory;
[root@redhat ~]# chown -R oracle:oinstall /rman
[root@redhat ~]# chmod -R 775 /rman
2. Login to database , create rman user and grant necessary privileges
[root@redhat ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@redhat ~]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jun 1 18:35:40 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> connect /as sysdba
SQL> create user rman identified by rman
2 default tablespace users
3 temporary tablespace temp;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rman;
Grant succeeded.
3. Connect to RMAN, create catalog and register database.
[oracle@redhat ~]$ rman
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Jun 1 18:38:55 2004
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
RMAN> connect target
connected to target database: ORCL (DBID=1232238763)
RMAN> connect catalog rman/rman@orcl
connected to recovery catalog database
RMAN> create catalog tablespace users;
recovery catalog created
RMAN> register database;
database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete
4. View default RMAN parameters and change if required
RMAN> show all;
RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name ORCL are:
CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '/oradisk/oracle/product/11.1.0/db/dbs/snapcf_ORCL.f'; # default
Note: here i am changing default parameters - (you can leave it, if want to utilize default )
RMAN> configure device type disk backup type to compressed backupset;
new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK BACKUP TYPE TO COMPRESSED BACKUPSET PARALLELISM 1; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored starting full resync of recovery catalog full resync complete
RMAN> configure retention policy to recovery window of 30 days;
new RMAN configuration parameters:
new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup on;
new RMAN configuration parameters:
new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to '/rman/%F';
new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '/rman/%F'; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored starting full resync of recovery catalog full resync complete
Creating Backup Sets
RMAN> connect target
Full Database Backup (archive logs not included)
Note: we can also take backup as following:
RMAN> run
{ allocate channecl c1 type disk;
backup database format '/rman/%d_%I_%s_%T';
Database and Archive log Backup
RMAN> run
{ allocate channel c1 type disk;
backup database format 'db_%u_%d_%s';
backup format 'log_t%t_s%s_p%p' (archivelog all);
Note: can user following parameters if required--BACKUP (ARCHIVELOG ALL DELETE INPUT);
Using the TAG command to name the backup monthly backup.
RMAN> run
{ allocate channel c1 type disk;
backup database format 'db_%u_%d_%s' tag monthly_backup;
backup format 'log_t%t_s%s_p%p' (archivelog all);
we can create rman script, and execute when required
CREATE SCRIPT wholedbbackup
COMMENT "Whole database backup and archive log"
BACKUP DATABASE [backup as compressed backupset database TAB COMPRESED_DBBK_082807];
RUN { EXECUTE script wholedbbackup; }
Backup the control file:
RMAN> BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE TO '/backup/cntrlfile.copy';
Backup tablespace:
RMAN> BACKUP TABLESPACE system, users, tools;
Backup datafiles :
Backup parameter file:
Backup Everything Using Backupset Command:
Database Recovery from RMAN backups (Examples)
Database recovery depend on events, it may requird full database recover or single database file, redolog , controlfile even spfile (parameter file), here some examples for database recover using RMAN backup.
Restore spfile from backup
RMAN> SET DBID 1232238763
Restoring and recovering a datafile
Restore and recover a tablespace
Restore and recover the whole database
Monitoring RMAN Backups
Connect database and find databas dbid
SQL> connect system/manager@orcl
SQL> select dbid from v$database;
SQL> connect rman_user/rman_user@orcl
SQL> select db_key from rc_database where dbid = 1232238763
SQL> select bs_key, backup_type, completion_time
from rc_database_incarnation a, rc_backup_set b
where a.db_key = b.db_key
and a.db_key = b.db_key
and a.current_incarnation = ‘YES’;
RMAN Reporting
RMAN> list backupset by file;
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Moving Tables, Indexes to another Tablespace
We can move oracle database segments (tables, indexes) from one tablespace to another tablespace easily, following are some simple example. Logon to database and find create sql script for moving tables and index if multiple object, In SQL statement mention tablespace name, object owner and tables/indexes.
Moving Singe Table/Index:
ALTER index.red_id_pk REBUILD TABLESPACE hrindex;
Moging Multipuls Tables:
spool c:\sqlscripts\movetbls.sql;
spool off;
Moging Multipuls Indexes:
spool c:\sqlscripts\moveindx.sql;
spool off;
Now, just execute created scripts (movetbls.sql, moveindx.sql)
SQL> @c:\sqlscripts\movetbls.sql
SQL> @c:\sqlscripts\moveindx.sql
We also move multiple tables/indexes to another tablespace using PL/SQL block:
vquery varchar2(300);
cursor indx is SELECT ' ALTER INDEX 'INDEX_NAME' REBULD TABLESPACE hrindex ;' AS cindex
FOR a IN indx LOOP
Friday, January 15, 2010
Oracle Replication Introduction
Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple databases that make up a distributed database system. However, Streams is the preferred way to set up Replication in Oracle databases. Following are the replication types
Read-Only Materialized Replication
Read-Only Materialized Views Based Replication Configuration
“A master table is copied to one or more databases. Changes in the master table are reflected in the snapshot tables whenever the snapshot refreshes. The snapshot site determines the frequency of the refreshes; data is pulled”
Read-only snapshot sites can be used to provide local access to remote master tables. Having a local snapshot of the data improves query response time. Updates can only be issued against the master table.
Multi-Master Replication
Multi-Master(Advance Replication) Step by Step Configuration
Advanced Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple databases that make up a distributed database system. However, Streams is the preferred way to set up Replication in Oracle databases. Following are the replication types
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Installing Oracle Developer 6i on Ubuntu
Installing Windows Installer (Developer 6i) on Ubuntu (Linux)
Following are steps required to migrating clients(windows to linux i.e. ubuntu.x, fedora.x ) running In-House developer oracle developer 6i desktop application developed . follow following steps for free ware ubuntu desktop client OS.
1. Download ubuntu 9.10 from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
2. Burn on CD,
3. Tack client’s backup on another media
4. Install ubuntu Desktop Operating System , recommended RAM 500MB, Process 1Ghz or higher
5. Install Wine freeware software for Linux, which create MS Windows Like environment for installing Windows’s installers. Follow following steps:
6. After installing ubuntu desktop operation system, assign valid IP address, and assign proxy for downloading installers.
Go at http://www.winehq.org/download/ clink on ubuntu (for installing wine on ubuntu)
Go at required ubuntu os release (9.10 recommended) and add APT in ubuntu os installer’s repositories.
Copy link, Open the Software Sources menu by going to System->Administration->Software Sources. Then select the Third Party Software tab and click Add -copy /paste one of the lines below depending on which version you are running.
For Ubuntu Karmic (9.10)
For Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)
:deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt jaunty main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope"
For Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10)
:deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt intrepid main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex"
For Ubuntu Hardy (8.04)
:deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt hardy main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron"
After adding the repository, you also need to add the key for the repository to your system's list of trusted keys. Ubuntu 9.10 users may skip this step.For Ubuntu 9.04 and earlier, download and save Scott Ritchie's key (right click -> save as) to your desktop. Then open the Authentication tab, click import key file, and select the key file you just saved (Scott Ritchie.gpg). It is safe to delete this file after doing this step.
Open the Software Sources menu by going to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager. After opening console search “Wine” (without “)Then select the Third Party Software tab and click AddClick on each installer (ubuntu installer) and click on “Mark for Installation”
Note: Some time required for downloading ubuntu packages.
7. After installing wine just insert Oracle Developer Installer CD and install Oracle Forms & Reports. In custom installation install TCP Adapter manually
8. Mount remote shared folder
Open command prompt (Applicatiuons > Accessories > Terminal)
$ sudu – bash
$sudo apt-get install smbfs
$mkdir /media/Package
$gedit /etc/fstab
Add following line in bottum for mounting remote window’s share folder
//appserver/appname /media/Package cifs username=oracleusr,password=oracleusr 0 0
close file and runn following command
$mount –a
Now you should be able to mount the directory
Please read more about sharing at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently
9. Create Oracle Application Shortcut
Right on desktop and click on create launcher
Type: Application
Name: Processing
Command: wine /home/username/.wine/drive_c/oracnt/bin/ifrun60.exe
Click ok
Click on new created shortcut application will be launched
10. Its just implementations further application adjustment will be done by it as per reqiorment.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sending email from PHP
This explains how to send emails from, tested for WampServer Version 2.0 on Windows XP:
1. Create email.php file
2. Add following code in emai.php file and run in browser
example@example.comspan style="font-family:arial;font-size:85%;">;
$subject = "PHP Email Script Example!";
$body = "Hellow,\n\nHow are you?\nTesting PHP email script - Okey !";
if (mail($to, $subject, $body))
{ echo(" Message successfully sent! "); }
else { echo(" Message delivery failed...");
Test for WampServer Version 2.0 on Windows XP
This explains how to use gmail to send emails with attachments in php using PHPMailer using gmail example:
1. Download PHPMailer from http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net (5.0 tested)
2. Extract to folder phpmailer
3. Open your php.ini file, uncomment the extension=php_openssl.dll.2. Save the php.ini file
4. Restart your WAMP Server.
5. Create gmail.php file paster following gmail smtp code :
Note: you can find this example in folder (PHPMailer\examples\test_smtp_gmail_basic.php)
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$body = file_get_contents('contents.html');
$body = eregi_replace("[\]",'',$body);
IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // sets the prefix to the servier
$mail->Host = "smtp.gmail.com"; // sets GMAIL as the SMTP server
$mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
$mail->Username = "gmailaccount@gmail.com"; // GMAIL username
$mail->Password = "gmailpassword"; // GMAIL password
$mail->SetFrom('fromemailaddress', 'First Last');
$mail->AddReplyTo("replyemailaddress","First Last");
$mail->Subject = "PHPMailer Test Subject via smtp (Gmail), basic";
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
$address = "toemailaddress";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "John Doe");
$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer.gif"); // attachment
$mail->AddAttachment("images/phpmailer_mini.gif"); // attachment
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "Message sent!";
Monday, January 4, 2010
Free Domain & Web Hosting
Co.CC supports for CNAME, A, MX, NS records!
How Find User Information (Oracle)
In Oracle/PLSQL, the userenv function can be used to retrieve information about the current Oracle session. Although this function still exists in Oracle for backwards compatibility, it is recommended that you use the sys_context function insteadUSERENV is an Oracle provided namespace that describes the current session, We can find connect user information easly:
Syntax: SELECT sys_context('
Example: Find User information (host,terminal,IP,Operating User)
Identifies the position in the module (application name) and is set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'ACTION') FROM dual;exec dbms_application_info.set_action('INSERTING');
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'ACTION') FROM dual;
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') FROM dual;exec dbms_session.set_identifier(USER ' ' SYSTIMESTAMP);SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') FROM dual;
Returns user session information that can be stored by an application using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_INFO') FROM dual;exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info('TEST');SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_INFO') FROM dual;
The bind variables for fine-grained auditing
The numeric identifier of the current edition
The name of the current edition
Name of the default schema being used in the current schema. This value can be changed during the session with an ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA statement.
Identifier of the default schema being used in the current session.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMAID') FROM dual;SELECT user#FROM sys.user$WHERE name = USER;
Returns the first 4K bytes of the current SQL that triggered the fine-grained auditing event.
CURRENT_SQLn attributes return subsequent 4K-byte increments, where n can be an integer from 1 to 7, inclusive. CURRENT_SQL1 returns bytes 4K to 8K; CURRENT_SQL2 returns bytes 8K to 12K, and so forth. You can specify these attributes only inside the event handler for the fine-grained auditing feature.
The length of the current SQL statement that triggers fine-grained audit or row-level security (RLS) policy functions or event handlers. Valid only inside the function or event handler.
Domain of the database as specified in the DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'DB_DOMAIN') FROM dual;
Name of the database as specified in the DB_NAME initialization parameter.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'DB_NAME') FROM dual;SELECT name, valueFROM gv$parameterwhere name LIKE 'db%name';
Name of the database as specified in the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'DB_UNIQUE_NAME') FROM dual;SELECT name, valueFROM gv$parameterwhere name LIKE 'db%name'
The instance identification number of the current instance.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'INSTANCE') FROM dual;
The name of the instance.
IP address of the machine from which the client is connected.
TRUE if the session is SYS
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'ISDBA') FROM dual;
The ISO abbreviation for the language name, a shorter form than the existing 'LANGUAGE' parameter.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'LANG') FROM dual;
The language and territory currently used by your session, along with the database character set, in the form:language_territory.characterset.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'LANGUAGE') FROM dual;
The application name (module) set through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package or OCI.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'MODULE') FROM dual;
The current calendar of the current session.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'NLS_CALENDAR') FROM dual;
The currency of the current session.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'NLS_CURRENCY') FROM dual;
The date format for the session.
The language used for expressing dates.
BINARY or the linguistic sort basis.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'NLS_SORT') FROM dual;
The territory of the current session.
Operating system username of the client process that initiated the database session.
SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'OS_USER') FROM dual;
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Make Money With Google Adsense
Step by Step Guide for Making Money With Google Adsense
Google’s AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. You can earn handsome money from Google Adsense. Read carefully and follow steps for generating revenue from Google Adsense
There are many peoples making money form Google.
It’s True? Yes, It’s true, as you know google is the largest publisher and advertiser's network, Google sharing revenue with webmasters, Blogger etc.
No Investment
No your own Website required
No paid training required - if you familiar with internet can earn $100 daily
No blogs required.
You can easily Signup with Google for making money just follow following :
What is Google Adsense How Signup for Google AdSense
Adsense Setup with Blogger
How Increase Adsense Traffic Best Adsense Ads Places
Top Paying Adsense Keyword
Adsense Revenue Sharing Websites
Blogging Guideline
Reasons of Disabling Adsense Account
How Re-Active(re-open) Adsense Account
Friday, January 1, 2010
Make Money for Writing
To earn more, while learning and writing, we many websites and our own blog, but more exposure comes from revenue sharing websites like Buksia. It is an article for you to start a good earning with or without AdSense and otherwise Revenue Sharing Websites that are of great help. The AdSense account always helps as elaborated.
Do you love to write,but have often wondered where to start,and how to sell your works online?And who to sell them to? There are numerous sites that will pay you to write for them,and here are some to get you started selling your work,and making top $$$for your efforts!
If you want to earn, while learning and writing, the article is for you and a good one to start with AdSense and otherwise Revenue Sharing Websites are of great help. We have many, but we focus on the main ones that the best in my opinion to learn and have more command, authority and authenticity over what anyone wants to write.
There are some websites not only accept the articles, but also the audio, video and other ways for creative works. We need to spend some time on doing research work about the services and options that each of the website offers.
On point is very important and that is of joining it. The websites keep on upgrading and new features are added gradually. Now, suppose, one have lots of works to be done, the referring it to the fellow writers can give some income to them and if they earn one shares a little, which otherwise goes to those, who may not be either fellow or even a writer. One can earn without writing. It is as if helping one another. It is simple. Let us start with the following ways
Factoidz: The best point for the experienced writers is the Factoidz. Now, why I say it is the best because it offers one to learn and have more authority and authenticity over what anyone wants to write and it leads to be an expert in the field.
Bukisa: It not only offers the revenue share to all contributors, but also offers the best referral benefits for all works that are 25% for the first level and more earning even with second level (tier) options of referrals. One can earn lot more with own works and the one that the referred ones do. So, it is one of the best and newly emerged and full fledged options that offers one to publish all articles that has been previously published on any other websites or blogs. Thus, it gives huge referral bonus to writers or whoever joins it. It has made a great start and has established within a short period of time.
Xomba: One of most popular website for any writer is Xomba. It offers a great diversification and one can publish almost anything because there is no editing for the works submitted though the work should be for the general readers and audience.
Hubpages: It is a special in a way that each article is treated as a hub. It has gives writers an opportunity to explore the best out of original works. The
Associated Content: It has some specialization features and the offers that can help anyone to both write an original content and the ones that have been already published elsewhere.
Constant Content: The constant content gives an opportunity for the writers to sell articles with so many options that one can earn from it as if selling a book.
eHow: It is one of the best platforms for writers to learn about how to write articles that relate to ‘how to’ and ‘how I did it’. It has the readers and writers that give interaction. One can start with little knowledge and simply adding what others do on eHow can make one expert. It has many features to be added including the videos.
Triond: It is among one of most useful website for writers. It does not need lots of elaboration if one is having a level of new writer or an expert. It gives all possible options to the writers.
Flixya: It is the only website for writers and other creative people that shares 100% of revenue generated by the AdSense. If one does not want to have blog work done, though it is most recommended, the Flixya is an alternative. The Flixya offers more features than blog with all revenue from the AdSense for every work done. However, it needs AdSense, so blog comes as the first need. We discuss about creating the AdSense account in 5 easy steps at the end of the article.
Oondi: It offers the 100% revenue generated from AdSense to the writers for the articles, reviews, tutorials, stories and the similar contributions.
Suite101: It needs some command on the language and topic; however it is great to join and work with it. Suite 101 is for writing for the revenue sharing.
Helium: It is also one the finest way for writers to earn in a various ways as upfront payments, daily revenue share and also earning from the contests.
Squidoo: It is one of the best ways to write something on any topic that can give enough information to the readers. It is similar to how to do something in the way the writer believes is the best for others.
Demand Studios: It has diversified services from writing to film making. If one has any talent, it is one of the future platforms. If one has nothing to do even then joining a website with special email created for such works always helps for future.
TextBroker: It deals with providing services through writing to the clients. It needs a little specialization.
My Orble: It is a way to specialize in Blogging with help of other bloggers. We can learn and earn here. The writer can get a great opportunity at this junction of bloggers.
Today.com: It is writing and earning from free blog service that is available for all writers. It gives more of the free coupons and exposures to the blogs that one creates.
MyLot: One of the best paid to post sites on the web!You can honestly earn great money simply by participating in discussions! Some writers can do a marvelous work in helping others through their writings and MyLot offers the platform. One do not need to be expert, but just giving answers, opinions, suggestions and so many other helpful tips in any manner that has meaning. One earns in so many easy and interactive ways for answering, asking, getting replies.
Info Barrel: It is a websites that invites articles on barrel of information on the various subjects and topics about how to articles on general subjects. It has a wonderful scope to promote the blogs at the same time.
Shvoong.com: It is very good to start learning abstract which later on help to be able to write on the major websites. It has some very useful features that are really helpful.
Your Own Blog: It simply needs the links to follow at the points described below.
Academia Research: Get paid for writing assignments!
Smortly: You simply have to write reviews,and they pay within a week.Pays weekly!
Payou2blog: You get paid $5 for each post,and they pay every two weeks.
Blogfast: For writers and bloggers.You can write on any topic.They pay you 90 percent of advertising revenue.If you post a lot,you can make a considerable amount of money!
441Press: They are always looking for bright,and talented writers,and they pay top dollar as well.
Demand Studios: Ge freelance writing assignments,and get paid for them!And there are many other writing opportunities out there just waiting to be discovered!Do a little web surfing of your own,and you will see many new sites listed daily.
You see as a writer, one need to learn and earn because the writers are the best learners and they never teach others, but help to learn in a better way. Let us get the AdSense right at your blogs in just 5 easy steps explained in the resources. Thanks!
1. First of all, one needs to have Gmail account. So, here is the simple link for it:
Open Gmail Account
2. The next step is to open a blog. It needs only three steps.
Just go for it, you have the simple link to follow to do it:
Create Your Blog
And also doing some how work helps. Now, we move to the next point.
3. The next point is the welcoming one as it is about How to Start Blog. Once you finish doing some home work, yes posting and or publishing an article will do.
Now, we are going to create our AdSense Account!4. It is very simple; you have Gmail account and the blog URL, so here we go for the last option. Fill the form as it appears by clicking HERE to open your AdSense Account.
What is Google AdSense
Google AdSense is Google's ad system that allows you to make money for displaying ads (i.e. text, image, videos, text links) on your website’s content pages, blog or forum. AdSense available for content, search, mobile content, feeds, domains and video. When AdSense ads are running on your website or blog and visitors come to your website or blog and someone clicks an ad or search and click on search result, you will earn money. Sign up of Adsense ».
Quick Start Guide for Setting up AdSense Ads
If you are new and no experience how getting AdSense script or customize layout (coding which show AdSense ads) and search box at your website or blog just go read step by step guide AdSense Setup ».
Google AdSense PIN Code (Personal Identification Number)
At starting all Google AdSense earning remain in “Holding” until your until you release holding. Google AdSense issues PIN Code once you have $10 in your account. As soon as you have earned $10 in your Google AdSense account. Google AdSense will send AdSense PIN Code to your mailing address, for your address verification. After receiving your PIN you can enter PIN Code and remove payment hold from your AdSense Account.
Google AdSense Payments
Google will not issue an AdSense payment until your earnings exceed $100. Payments are sent within approximately 30 days of the end of the month. For example if you have completed your $100 in the month of January then you will receive your payment at the end of February. For detail you can check your AdSense account. Payment will be through Google Cheques, Now Google also allow payment through Western Union.
IF you choose Western Union Money Transfer option for payment, you can get from western union outlet at same AdSense payment release day.
AdSense Advert Options (Website, Blog, Forum)
Google AdSense for Content -
A variety of size and shape ads for placing in your content are available. These can be text or image ads or both - you specify what you'll allow. Ad units are full ads. Link units are simply a strip of text links that your visitors might want to click. Google allows you to put up to 3 Ad Units and 1 Link unit on each page of your Web site, provided you follow its policies - both for AdSense and for Webmasters.
Google AdSense for Search - This places a search box on your Web site. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens, that hosts more pay-per-click ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your web site.
Google Referrals
Here you make money by referring visitors to use a Google product, like AdSense, AdWords, the Google Toolbar and other Google software. Just like Google AdSense for Content and AdSense for Search, Google generates the code that you paste into the desired location on your web page. You can choose from a wide variety of buttons and text links of different colors. As an example of how Google Referrals works, if someone goes to your site and clicks the link and signs up for an AdSense account, when that person earns a $100 from Google AdSense and receives a payout from Google, you'll also receive $100 for referring them. This is a great idea to me, because you can be the world's worst Google AdSense advertiser, but if an ad dynamo happens to visit your site and uses your referral link, you can make money anyway!
Other Programs Besides AdSense
Yahoo and MSN have similar programs, although those programs aren't as well-developed as Google AdSense and there aren't as many available advertisers to display ads on your site. The fundamentals for making money are the same: You still need plenty of traffic, you still need high-paying ads, and you still need to design your site to harmonize with the ads to get people to click.
Don’t Lose you AdSense Account
Webmasters must not only comply with AdSense policies, but their Websites must also comply with Google's webmaster policies
Visit Google AdSense Forum entries about website operators who accumulated $90 or more in click through earnings only to get banned from Google and not get paid anything at all before they ever reached $100. This may be because Google doesn't take a close look to see if you're complying with their guidelines until it comes time to pay you. So yes, there's a lot more to the story than meets the eye.
How Signup for Adsense
Getting a Google Adsense ID was not difficult prior to some new geographical restrictions imposed by Google Adsense. But now new publishers especially bloggers are finding it extremely hard to get the new Adsense IDs. A lot of bloggers are complaining that their Adsense application was not approved due to lack of quality content at their blogs. Here is a good way for getting Google Adsense (Publisher) Account.
I would like to share a proven way to get new Google Adsense ID anywhere around the world. Just follow these steps and get your Adsense Account. Its legal way with all Terms & conditions of Google Adsense.
Step 1
Google Account required for signing up Google Adsense, If you have already, you can user your existing Google Account. If you have no Google Account just sign up for Gmail ID here. https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount
You can also your own email (you@live.com or you@yahoo.com etc) for Google Account. If you are not using Gmail ID then email verification will required for Adsense.
Step 2
Sign up for new Flixya Account (its recommended that use your Gmail ID).
When you fill the signup form Flixya will ask you:
Do you already have a Google Adsense account?
Select: No
Click on Signup for Adsene Button. Google Adsense Signup Application Form will appear.
Step 3
Fill in the Google Adsense Application Form. (Which will automatically appear once you fill out the previous form)
Make sure you use exactly the same name and address as it appears on your government issue NIC or other official document like driving license etc. It will make it easier if you do not receive Google Adsense Pin at your address and you can provide them the Scanned copy of proof of your address to remove payment holds.
Google Adsense does not issue two ore more IDs at the same address (In some Asian countries like Pakistan, India etc), so kindly make sure that if somebody else in your family already have the Google Adsense ID try using some other address where you receive the pin and then you can change address to your original one.
Use your correct Zip/Postal Code. Fill out the complete form and submit your application. Finally Adsense will show your information, which you provide in Adsense application, review it (go back if some updation required) and finally submit.
Step 4
I already discus that email verification required, when now verify your email address for Flixya and Adsense.
It take 24 to 72 hours to review your application to approve. Once your application has approved your Google Adsense account will be activated. Once your account has been activated you can start making ads and displaying on your website.
Step 5
Simply login to yours Google AdSense account and go to AdSense Setup Tab and then click on Get Ads link. Choose the size of ad, background color, border and type of ad (image ad or text ad). Text ads are the best and we recommend you to choose banner size 728 x 90. If you want to track an ad create ad channels to track your ads. Name your ad you like e.g. home page. Finally click on save ad setting and get code button to save your created ad. Copy the code and paste it in your website page where you would like to display the ad. The ad should take some time to display when newly create. It takes approximately 10 minutes to display. Now you can create more ads with different styles and sizes.
Create a search ad and place it to your website. When visitors search the web through your search box, Google give you earning.
Please note that only three ads and three link units can be shown on a page. Now you have done.
Step 6
Improve your traffic to earn money from the Google ads. To learn How to improve traffic and how to submit your site to search engines
This is a tested method of applying for Google Adsense ID and it is much easier as compared to creating a blog first and then applying for Google Adsense ID.
Google Adsense ID has become a golden key to unlock the treasure of free online income, which you can use it for your multiple websites, blogs or other Adsense revenue sharing websites.
Webmasters and bloggers must not only comply with AdSense policies, but their Websites must also comply with Google's webmaster policies.
Bloggers and website operators who accumulated $90 or more in click through earnings only to get banned from Google and not get paid anything at all before they ever reached $100. This may be because Google doesn't take a close look to see if you're complying with their guidelines until it comes time to pay you. It is recommended visit Google AdSense Forum
Adsense Setup for Blogger
You need persistency, patience, and real smart work to make some reasonable income through Google Adsense. Please take it as a serious which grows gradually, it’s not going to happen overnight you’ll have to learn it step by step.
Step 1 : Signup for Google Adsense Account ( Tested and Verified Method )
Although, this step is alread explaind in detail in previous post, but it is again explained here briefly, if you already have Adsense account just ignore Adsense signup steps.
A. Sign up for a new gmail account. (Ignore if already have)
B. Sign up with Flixya. (Using gmail account which you have created)
As soon as you start sign up with Flixya, it will ask you:
Do you already have a Google Adsense account?
Click: No
As soon as you click No, It will show the option to sign up for Google Adsense using the same gmail account. Now click on “Sign up of Adsense” button to continue sign up
Now you will receive two email notifications in your gmail account, one from Flixya for continuing signup and second from Google Adsense for sign up. Completely fill your Google Adsense signup form with accurate information and make sure the name and address should be the same as it appears on your National Identification Card issued by your country nationality authorizing authority and other official documents. Also complete the signup for Flixya.
It is a proven and tested method to get your Google Adsense ID without having a blog or website. Now, you will have to wait for adsense account approval it will take 4-5 days to get it approved.
Step 2: Make your first blog using Blogger.com
Blogs are the online diaries or journals which anyone can use to publish his/her own choice content. The content can be any article, picture, videos etc. There are several platform where you can make your own blog but Blogger.com provides the simplest method to create a blog and it is most commonly used for this purpose.
By the time you get your Google Adsense ID’s approval, you can make your plan about creating a profitable blog. Remember, if you are not planning it means you are planning to fail. Instead of creating a blog on the topic which you are not familiar with, create a blog for which you are passionate about. For example if you are good in cooking, you should make your blog about cooking tips and if you are passionate about mobile phones then you should create a blog about latest mobile phones. We can discuss this in our upcoming posts, we are sticking to step two i.e making your first blog.
a. Sign up for Blogger.com. use same Gmail account which used for Adsense Account.
b. Naming your blog : Choose an interesting name which your target readers can remember and recall.
c. Choosing right blog URL. It may be your name or a combination of few key words
d. Choosing right template for the blog. Chose any you can easily change it later
Once you are done with creating your first blog, you start posting your new content i.e. articles, videos, photos etc without worrying about making money out of it. Make sure that you write your own content or you mention the source from where you get that content. Original content appears fast on search result as compare to duplicate content.
Here is a list of blogs which are using blogger.com which can be off help to you.
Step 3: Integrate your Adsense Account with your Blog
It is not a good idea to display google ads on newly established blog, so make sure you have enough content on your blog which is good to attract readers. Once your Google Adsense account is approved, you can integrate it in your blog to display relevant ads by Google. This is how you can integrate your adsense account with your blog: -
1. Click on the Monetize button (Make sure you are logged in to your blogger account and you have selected the blog where you can see the Monetize button)
2. Choose Display ads in my sidebar and posts (and click next)
3. Enter your PIN (i.e. gmail id and postal code or last 5 digits of phone numbers)
Note:- You can also integrate your adsense account with blogger through Layout >> Page Element >> Add a Gadget >> Adsense and again you can mention your email and PIN to get new ads by Google in your blog.
Step 4: More Traffic Means More Adsense Income
Traffic through search engines (Organic Traffic) are the most likely source of generating adsense revenue. If your blog appears on the top ten search result of a particular keyword, then it will become a continuous source of residual income from Google Adsense. But it will take a lot of effort and continuous improvement in your blog to appear on the top search results.
There are various ways to generate traffic on your blog, we suggest the following articles to help you understand the traffic generation techniques.
Step 5: Google Adsense Milestones and How to achieve them
A. Earning first $10: Google Adsense issues PIN Code once you have $10 in your account. As soon as you have earned $10 in your Google Adsense account. Google Adsense will send Adsense PIN Code to your mailing address. You can enter PIN Code and remove payment hold from your Adsense Account.
B. Earning first $100. Google Adsense issues payment when your account balance reaches $100 or more. For example if you have completed your $100 in the month of January then you will receive your payment at the end of February. For detail you can check your adsense account.
C. Receiving your first Payment. The best part about Google Adsense program is its payment method via Western Union Money Transfer. You can receive payment from any Western Union Money Transfer Outlet on the same day when you get your payment status from Google Adsense.
Increase Adsense Traffic - tips
A lot of Adsense marketers are continuously in need of more and more traffic from people so that they can make money with AdSense as well as their other revenue generating products.
1. Get great ideas on hot topics from Yahoo Buzz to write on for a healthy traffic load.
2. Catch the hype about a particularly subject from Google Trends and act fast with your text and wait for your share of adsense revenue.
3. Use Overture Keyword Tool to incorporate the top related keywords into your text and also get ideas on what text you should write surrounding a particular thing.
4. Bookmark your site and or url with social bookmarking sites such as digg and del.ico.us for extra results on search engines. This will make a big difference to traffic size.
5. Ping your text using Autopinger and Pingomatic to social bookmarking and blog directory websites all at once. Pinging is easy to do and quickly spreads the word your text content is out.
6. Make your text and include pictures and video to benefit with traffic from Google image Search.
Make use of this information, if you will. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
Head Here: A Free Guide on Tips and Tools to Increase Adsense Traffic
MyPage is designed to help beginners and average readers make money online.
Best Adsense Ads Places
Google AdSense and making money ideas are the super hot topic in Internet. If you search Google by writing “Google AdSense” and “making money ideas” etc. you can get a huge number articles and websites. Are all of them are necessary? Many advertising companies advertise that they will help you to earn money through Google AdSense. But I think you don’t need to listen anything nor to search anything to increase your income through Google AdSense. If you read this page, I am sure that you can easily adapt the basic ideas of earning through Google AdSense. At first you may think that I am jocking. But I am not. Just read this page and think yourself whether I am jocking or not. OK let’s start the real secret.
From my great success and experience, I come to one thing about Google AdSense. To earn from Google AdSense you must have to understand just only one thing. And that is the Google AdSense ad placement. If you know and understand the Google AdSense placement then I am sure that you must earn much more than others. In the following sections, I will discuss the ad placement of Google AdSense of your web page and blog etc. Most of the web site or blog has several areas. Just look at the following :
From the above picture you can easily see that a web site or blog consists of several areas. Do you remember about our goal? Yes, we are talking about the Google AdSense ad placement location. Now, let’s see the different ad placement areas:
Header area: This area is suitable for graphical banner type of ads.
Post header area: This area is best suitable for text link ads.
Post area: This area is suitable for contextual ads.
Post footer area: This area is best suitable for text link ads.
Footer area: This area is best suitable for both contextual ads and graphical ads.
Sidebar area: This area is best suitable for both contextual ads and graphical ads.
Just arrange your website or blog by the above mentioned way. And experiment yourself about the effects and earnings just after 2 to 3 days later. I’m sure that you have a better earnings from the previous
Reasons of Disabling Adsense Account
Three Main Reasons That Your Google Adsense Account Can be Easily DisabledIn this page you will know the most three dangerous reasons that your Google AdSense account can be easily disabled.
Google AdSense is the best advertising solution for the publishers to earn money. Really, it’s the best to earn money through contextual advertising. When you use Google AdSense, you see how fastly and easily you can earn through Google AdSense. But everyday a huge number of publishers accounts are being disabled and they failed to earn money from this giant source. Do you know the cause? There are three most dangerous cause by which your account must be disabled by Google. Those three causes are
Clicking on Anyone’s Google AdSense Ads: Don’t click or try to click on your own AdSense ads. It’s fully illegal according to Google AdSense terms and conditions. Moreover, Google AdSense is strong enough to find out your illegal clicks. If it find illegal clicks then your account will be terminated by sending an email of your fraud activities.
Don’t try to promote illegal activity: It is seen that many publishers publish several contents which is used to promote certain website or certain software. Moreover, there are several illegal activities like infringement of intellectual property rights. You can’t copy others things and publish to your own site. Moreover, you can’t do any thing which is against intellectual property rights. If you do so, your Google AdSense account soon be banned.
Don’t publish any contents which is against Google AdSense Terms and Conditions: Always keep in mind that Google AdSense terms and conditions must be followed if you want to earn money through Google AdSense. There are several terms and conditions. All of these terms and conditions are easy to read, understand and remember. So, don’t do any types of work which is against Google AdSense Terms and Conditions. For example, Google AdSense does not support copying others contents or clicking ads by your own. If you don’t follow Google AdSense Terms and Conditions, your Google AdSense account will soon be blocked and banned.
All there are the main reason that most of the Google AdSense publishers account are disabled and banned. Always avoid the above three things, if you want to earn money through Google AdSense.
Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites
Largest List of Sites for Adsense Revenue and Its Percentage
Which sites can revenue from Google AdSense? Add the contents of a website. The revenue generated by their ads will be used by the manufacturer of your content. Percentage of sales in the range from 10% to 100%. Which sites can revenue from Google AdSense? Add the contents of a website. The revenue generated by their ads will be used by the manufacturer of your content. Percentage of sales in the range from 10% to 100%.
How does it work? Let us assume that each Web site to share 90% of its revenue from your add It means that your publishing house as 90% of the time when people are coming and takes the remaining 10% of the time, to the owners of the site ID.
Why is revenue sharing? Search engine loves website and are updated more frequently if the site is regularly updated. You need a continuous updating of content, whether the shares a portion of their revenue with the producer of content, such as Internet traffic has improved considerably, and thus their profits.
How do they do it when they share the revenue to 100%? N Run Websites for the loss. At least they have an accounting server. You may have other sources of income.
How to choose the best location for revenue sharing? The first thing your interest. Their websites are devoted to just what kinds of people, such as sports, health, banking, music, money, technology, blogs, etc.. If you want to win and then select the site more popular. Since in any case be higher in the search engine . Following Web sites along percentage of revenue shares:
1) http://www.IndiaStudyChannel.com 90%
2) http://www.indiareviewchannel.com 90%
3) http://www.flixya.com 100%
4) http://www.oocuz.com 100%
5) http://www.savvify.com 100%
6) http://www.forumatrix.com 100%
7) http://www.music-100 nerds.com%
8) http://www.meshplex.com 100%
9) http://www.thatsprettydumb.com 100%
10) http://www.techsupporthumor.com 100%
11) http://www.shareyourexpertise.com 100%
12) http://www.webmaster.org 100%
13) http://www.webdigity.com 100%
14) http://www.seomeeting.com 100%
15) http://www.knol.google.com 100%
16) http://www.quasi.com 100%
17) http://www.oondi.com 100%
18) http://www.stockvault.net 100%
19) http://www.tubeimage.com 100%
20) http://www.matrixmovies.net 100%
21) http://www.vdox.com 100%
22) http://www.freerangestock.com
23) http://www.meyouworld.net 100%
24) http://www.soundchilds.com 90-95%
25) http://www.dotnetspider.com 90%
26) http://www.articlewise.com
27) http://www.Kerneltrap.com 80%
28) http://www.freerangestock.com 80%
29) http://www.whooked.com 80%
30) http://www.indianbytes.com 75%
31) http://www.googleearthhacks.com 75%
32) http://www.golfnation.com 75%
33) http://www.hostnode.com 75%
34) http://www.screendig.com 75%
35) http://www.mytripledub.com 70%
36) http://www.writingcampus.com 70%
37) http://www.yourblog.in 70%
38) http://www.hubpages.com 60%
39) http://www.efloorplan.com 60%
40) http://www.xomba.com 50%
41) http://www.indiancitizens.com 50%
42) http://www.eref.in 50%
43) http://www.article-idea.com 50%
44) http://www.5050articles.com 50%
45) http://www.squidoo.com 50%, the charity 5%
46) http://www.thisisby.us 50%
47) http://www.qooforum.com 50%
48) http://www.adsenseigg.com 50%
49) http://www.bloggerparty.com 50%
50) http://www.blogevolve.com 50%
51) http://www.bloggeries.com 50%
52) http://www.scratchprojects.com 50%
53) http://www.articletrader.com 50%
54) http://www.httppoint.com 50%
55) http://www.artclicodex.com 50%
56) http://www.writingup.com 50%
57) http://www.yousaytoo.com 50%
58) http://www.technologyparent.com 50%
59) http://www.digitalpoint.com 50%
60) http://www.igotrant.com 50%
61) http://www.Idnforums.com 50%
62) http://www.thesandtrap.com 50%
63) http://www.totalwebtalk.com 50%
64) http://www.workfromhomespot.com 50%
65) http://www.soulcast.com
66) http://www.namepros.com
67) http://www.auctioncut.com